Ocean of Patience

My one and only New Year’s Resolution for 2020 is to be more patient with myself.  I have struggled my whole life with this issue, always putting way too much pressure on, blaming and shaming myself, and driving myself harder than I would ever drive anybody else. And even though I have grown leaps and […]

On Children

On Children by Kahlil Gibran      Your children are not your children.      They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.      They come through you but not from you,      And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.      You may give them your love but […]

We Vibrate

Several people have asked me recently how exactly sound healing works. Exactly? I’m not sure that word is the one we’re looking for, but okay. I’ll do my best. Humans, and all things, from stars and nebulas to dust bunnies to dogs and cats to rock formations, vibrate. We’re made of very dense energy. Matter […]

When Life-Defining No Longer Fits

This Samhain season has brought some , uh, growth opportunities for me. Oh boy. There are things that for most of my life I have been sort of programmed to think I need to do, and those things, which I thought defined me, don’t fit anymore. But because I have this programming, I didn’t even […]

The Biggest Lesson

We area always learning, whether we know it, or want it, or not.  And some lessons are way more important than other. But I think the biggest one is when we understand that we can screw up big and still love ourselves. It’s simple, but it’s so deep, and so true. When we get past […]

It Can’t Happen to Me . . .

A friend and I were recently talking about the coming ecopocalypse. She, like so many other people, can’t understand how anybody can think this is all going to blow over. How can anybody not be running around screaming with their hair on fire? It sure takes every bit of my willpower not to. There are […]

What a Strange Spring

How are you feeling? Filled with hope and joy and inspiration? Or are you confused and lost and disappointed?  If the former, good on you! Go out and spread joy amongst the masses! If the latter, welcome to Spring 2019. Here is your complementary box of tissues. It’s gray and dreary, major cities are flooding, […]

Receiving 101

In preparation for my upcoming hysterectomy, I have been getting some healing sessions, and accepting offers of help from friends without any hesitation. Not a single, “Oh, nah, I’m good, it’ll all work out. Don’t go to any trouble.” Nope. I’m all, “Oh, yes please, that would be fantastic! Thank you!” And the World has […]

Earth Days

It’s Earth Day as I write this, and I’m feeling . . . not great about the state of our only planetary home. We have done a great job making it a very toxic place to live. No, really. Think about how many people you know who have cancer right now. Young people. Kids. Old […]