Sacred Samhain

I may have ranted and raved about this before, I don’t remember. If so, forgive me. I’m ranting again. Samhain, sometimes called Halloween, is one of my favorite Pagan holidays. There is something purely magic about it as we celebrate slipping into the Long Dark, passing through the Sleeping Land, to re-emerge in Spring, reborn, […]

Soothing Ourselves

Photo by Matt Neely, 2017 Solar Eclipse. I made a house call recently. Don’t get your hopes up, it was for a cat. I mean, there are limits. The cat had been pretty traumatized; he had been a house cat for seven years and suddenly, he accidentally escaped out into the wide wide world, had […]

Fall Cleaning

I just packed up a bunch of  stuff to go to the resale shop. Not exactly a newsflash, I  know. But it a way, it was a monumental step for me. I also threw away a bunch of hose and stockings and their associated et ceteras, because I can’t remember the last time I wore […]

Louder, for the Folks in the Back

Kids, we need to talk about something – again – that we all know but far too many of us don’t actually do.  Here’s the rule: What you focus on is what you attract. Here’s a fact: Social media sites act like … big swirling vortexy echo chambers. Directive: Stop reposting every goddam meme you […]

Fear is Ruining the Party Again

So … Delta. Great. And I’d say when is this shit going to be over but I know the answer is when enough people get vaccinated and good luck with that. I’m so grateful that I live in a city where people were so anxious to get vaccinated that most of us had to travel an hour […]

As You Read This …

… I’ll be in a recording studio making a new record for the first time since 2013. No, I’m not going back into the “music business” again. I just … feel like  I need to keep putting this vibration into the world, because several people have said it is healing for them. And I think […]


Nobody can bring the baggage you carry from your mother to the surface like a sibling. My sister and I hadn’t seen each other in a … while. And it’s okay, we’re not a close family, and I was the pesky baby — and a caboose to boot — so we never exactly bonded as […]

Spell for a Happy Yard

Spell for a Happy Yard Make sure there are lilacs, and a rosebush or two. Leave a few of the Inevitable Maples to grow. Leave the violets. Plant some cedars around the edge instead of building a fence. Have a few raised garden beds and grow things you lovelovelove to eat. Don’t mow it very […]


There’s a function in recording software called normalize.  It does some kind of magic to bring a track into a more uniform volume level, mostly by boosting what’s too quiet to bring it more in line with everything else. Sometimes it’s great. Sometimes it’s terrible. Sometimes it does nothing at all. But it got me to […]