An Excruciatingly Heartfelt Blessing

Lord and Lady, bless my enemies, and keep them strong, for it is their wiles that make me stronger. Bless the idiots, for it is their stupidity that causes me to improve the clarity of my communication. Bless the bigots, for they allow me to question my own judgments, motives and privilege. Bless the liars, […]


A few weeks ago I promised to write a blog post about Dowsing, and as High Summer approaches, it seems the perfect time to get out the rods and have some Earthy fun. I learned most of what I know about dowsing from a brilliant little book called The Definitive Wee Book on Dowsing: A […]


A few nights ago I dreamed I was in a greasy spoon-style diner in Afghanistan, ordering food at a counter. Where the counter met the wall there was a painted-over vent, and a sign above it said, “The Voice of God Speaks Through Here.” I asked the man taking my order what that meant and […]

It’s About Time . . . Again?

We gotta shift this time paradigm, y’all.  I’m beginning to feel like a broken record, because I have done major posts about how we can transform our relationship with Time at least twice before (here and here), but recent confirmation has come my way that has caused me to renew my crusade. At the risk […]

The Lucky Ones

There’s no danger of our lights being turned off, or of us running out of food. Our cars are paid off, and there’s money to have some life once in a while. I have the intense luxury of waking up every morning feeling relaxed, happy and looking forward to a great day.  How lucky is that? […]

Collective Creating in a Drama-Free Zone

I’ve worked hard the last couple of years to make my life a drama-free zone. It hasn’t been easy, and there are long relationships that are tenuous and uncomfortable now, but I’m so much happier for it. Life is hard enough without people who can’t seem to keep their shit together putting their shit-fans on […]

Angel Food

My patience is waning for women who side with the Patriarchy when it comes to equal pay and rape culture. “Why do we have a women’s day? When is men’s day?” Well, if you are white and male every frickin’ day, really, but officially it’s November 19th. “If women want equal pay then they should […]

The Kids Are More Than Alright

I keep meeting kids that have these labels, you know the ones: bi-polar, social anxiety, ADHD, autism, depression, schizophrenia, PTSD, and all of the blendings and flavors around and between. In fact, nearly every person under 35 that I have met in as long as I can remember has been diagnosed with some version of […]


I’ve been drawing the Temperance card in practically all of my morning Tarot check-ins.  Oh, sure, I’ve been a big believer in moderation being for monks, and sometimes you have to have too much to know where enough really is and all that rot – and it hasn’t really served me all that well, to […]