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Music = Magic

Be Open As Flowers
Follow me, follow me, follow me down Be brave, follow Keep on walking Follow me, follow me, follow me down Stay close, do not wander Keep walking, keep your wits Be brave, follow Follow me, follow me, deeper, follow Stay close, for the trees do not know you yet, mortal Stay close, for the trees […]

Wounded Ones
No matter how far afield my fascinations take me, no matter how deep the rabbit hole I plunge down following some thread or other, I always end up returning to the Matter Of Britain, like my internal compass has a lock on it. Never fails. I’ve been reading a lot of information about the Path […]

The Real Me
I warned my partner this morning that I’m about to approach a whole new level of weird. He cocked an eyebrow, and I explained. He stroked my cheek and said, “That’s my girl.” Last night I was awake for a long time in the middle of the night. That’s not unusual, but it’s usually a […]

Music Equals Magic
Music has been my breath, an extension of my will, my constant companion, my lover, my mother, my child. My mom says I was singing with the church choir when I was six months old. I became obsessed with the guitar when I was three and began to play one when I was four. It […]

Foolish Things
All hail the Fool, the wild one, the strange one, the one we dismiss . . . the one who seems so lost. Spring is the season of the Fool, definitely. Innocence, new beginnings, being deeply alive. Being so in awe of the return of life–the budding trees, the little flowers popping up, all the […]

Magic is a troubling topic, largely because it’s so loaded with unrealistic associations. Magic is not flying through the air on broomsticks and turning people into newts. The Lore is rife with stories about just such occurrences, but we have to take them with both a grain of salt and an open mind. Here’s what […]

Serving the Creative by Holding Space for Others to Create
Several people around me are writing songs, composing music, writing poetry, much of it seemingly spontaneous, and I’m . . . not. A wee little part of me leftover from decades ago is just a bit rattled, because creativity is part of my identity, part of who I believe I am. If I’m not creating, […]

Music Is A Verb
For a culture so obsessed with music, we sure don’t play much of it. This appears to be largely a Western thing, and possibly overwhelmingly an American thing. We are surrounded by a near-continuous stream of music, from the radios in our cars to the canned music at the grocery store, gas station and coffee […]

Creative Healing
Creativity is a healing force. It took me a while to really understand that, but once I did, I realized that it is my most frequently employed healing tool. Music heals–we know that, it’s easy to understand. Throughout human history, literature, myth and pictographs have captured our use of the healing power of music. It’s […]