Bitter Beauty

It got cold over the weekend, oh my did it. Bitterly cold, icy cold. Face-hurtingly cold.  And it started with a fairly major snow storm system (the weather prognosticators even named it), which finally covered up the bleh brown and gray thing we’ve had going on since December, so everything is gloriously white and coated […]

Earth Days

It’s Earth Day as I write this, and I’m feeling . . . not great about the state of our only planetary home. We have done a great job making it a very toxic place to live. No, really. Think about how many people you know who have cancer right now. Young people. Kids. Old […]

‘Twas the Night Before Solstice

‘Twas the Night before Solstice, when all through the house Everyone was preparing, from Grandma to Mouse; A cauldron was hung ‘neath the mantlepiece sigils, To provide us with strength for our Longest Night vigils; The children were sharp-eyed, punch drunk and anxious, Testing to the utmost their family’s patience; Gramma sang old songs, harmonized […]

Winter Perspective

Blessed Night stretches Her arms reaching ever outward To embrace the sleeping world Too often we fear her Our Dark Mother The Goddess of Winter The Hag, the Crone The Crabby But Wise One Who dispenses wisdom That tastes bitter before We learn to seek its sweetness She brings cold, and death But blessings, too […]

Thankful Leaves

Many many years ago, I belonged to a Pagan homeschooling forum. We were sharing our various holiday traditions one day, and one of our members shared a story that I just love. She said there was company over for dinner, and somehow something came up that her oldest daughter was feeling extremely grateful about, and […]

Crashes and Burns

I was taking my shoes off at the top of the stairs after a gig; sure, I’d had a couple glasses of wine over a three hour show, but that is not very much at all. I’d done this maneuver a thousand times without a single problem, so when the push came, and I lost […]

What Happened?

I’ve been to some Halloween-themed stores recently, because it has been one of my favorite things to do when Autumn comes. But this year . . . something feels very different.  I don’t know what or why, but it’s really harshing my buzz. Halloween, aka Samhain to us Earthy-Pagany types, is one of the best […]

What’s Your First Harvest?

Lammas, Lughnassadh, First Harvest, call it what you will, it’s here! We have made it to the third cross-quarter day on the Wheel, can you believe it? The next one is Samhain, which seems like forever away. Well, it’s not. We have survived 3/4 of this solar year. Whaddayaknow. Next stop, Autumnal Equinox. Uh huh. […]