What Would Happen If …

What would happen if, instead of a boy, the Earth-Mother’s Solstice birthing produced a girl? I have a fuzzy idea of where that thought came from, but I don’t think it really matters. What matters is, what would happen if we ran the cycle of the year through cooperative, feminine power instead of dominating male […]

The Song of Autumn

The Sun God stood in the tower at sunset and allowed melancholy to seep into his bones.  He was tired. So tired. It had been a long summer, and climate change was making his job so much harder. Trying to control the strength of storms and the intensity of light, trying to hold back the […]

Midsummer: The Cool Dual

If you have been following this blog a bit, you will probably have noticed that I’m not a fan of the binary. But Midsummer Solstice is about duality, in the coolest way. I love the Yin-Yang symbol, partly because it’s such a graceful image, but also because of what it represents. There’s no straight line […]

Re-Imagining Beltane

For years now, I have been reposting what I wrote years ago for the Solar Holiday Cycle instead of writing anything new, but those of you who have been following this blog know that I am starting to have a bit of a re-think on all of that stuff. We’re not in the Mesolithic anymore, […]

Non-binary Holidays?

As a genderqueer person, I have been struggling for several years with the strong binary of the Pagan holidays.  Yes, I tell myself, they are about fertility and making food (and making people) and one needs both ends of the spectrum to do that. Absolutely. It’s not like none of the Celtic gods and goddesses […]

Sacred Samhain

I may have ranted and raved about this before, I don’t remember. If so, forgive me. I’m ranting again. Samhain, sometimes called Halloween, is one of my favorite Pagan holidays. There is something purely magic about it as we celebrate slipping into the Long Dark, passing through the Sleeping Land, to re-emerge in Spring, reborn, […]


Confession time: Independence Day in the US is just about my least favorite holiday – followed closely by Gouge Your Own Eyeballs Out Day. I mean, I love my country but …  First of all, if you are any kind of a student of history, you know that the horrors of slavery and segregation were […]

New Intentions for a New Year

It’s almost over. Some of us didn’t make it. But for those who did, hopefully something important has been learned. One of the big lessons has been that no matter what our intentions are, our apple carts can be careened into and obliterated by collective insanity. I didn’t intend to take  most of 2020 as […]

Tough Thanks

If ever we needed a day completely devoted to giving thanks, it’s right now.  We do have a lot to be thankful for, even if we have to dig deep to find it. And hopefully on January 20, 2021 we will have so much more to be thankful for. I’m not talking about the easy […]