The Power of Books

In the Terry Pratchett books, it’s the Dwarves who are horrified when words are erased.  I think I know Pratchett well enough to know that if Tennessee were in Discworld, there would have been a riot a few nights ago. Vimes would have called everybody in. Detritus would have been there with his Piece Maker […]

Practicing Love

Your heart should always arrive before your head. It’s an old Sufi saying, and I don’t know who actually said it. In fact, it’s such an obscure saying that a Google search results in cardiopulmonary results and nothing about Sufis at all. Sheesh. But let that roll though your heart, and spin it on up […]


Confession time: Independence Day in the US is just about my least favorite holiday – followed closely by Gouge Your Own Eyeballs Out Day. I mean, I love my country but …  First of all, if you are any kind of a student of history, you know that the horrors of slavery and segregation were […]

Dangerous Beauty

Alchemy is much misunderstood, usually over-simplified, and frequently used badly out of context – all to the fierce detriment of an amazing tradition. Very rarely these days does anyone actually study the true art, because wowzers, those people tend to blow up a lot of stuff and reek of rotten eggs all the time. I […]

The Search for the Grail

The search is over. We know where it is. Women have always known. Oh, we play plenty dumb, and try to be helpful with questions like, “Where did you last see it?” and “Can you remember if you had it when you were fighting the Black Knight?” But we totally know. And we’re not telling. […]

A Forever Journey

You aren’t going to be done healing before you die. I’m not trying to be a Debbie-Downer here. It’s actually a wonderful truth. Change = Life. But I’m gonna say it’s healing that allows change to happen, and we’re all going to be healing until the end of our lives. Especially people who have lived […]

Who’s Alma?

Reader, some of you may have noticed that I have added “Alma” to my name, between Gayla and Drake.  I get so many complements on my name. It is a good name, very pretty. Here’s the actual story of why my parents named me Gayla. My mom’s little brother was dating a woman, briefly, called […]