My Life With Men

Being a musician, I have spent most of my time with men, for most of my life. There are numerous reasons for that, but most of them are not relevant to the points I want to make. That may be fodder for another post. For most of my life, most of the people who happened […]

Taking Back the Holidays

Did you have a good Thanksgiving?  I had Friendsgiving here, which was just fantastic. No pressure, no pain, no stress, no guilt . . . No weight gain, either, because I feasted with other health nuts, and we ate in moderation. I feel warm, but not puffy. Full of peace, but not bloated. Satisfied, and […]

Creative Healing

Creativity is a healing force. It took me a while to really understand that, but once I did, I realized that it is my most frequently employed healing tool. Music heals–we know that, it’s easy to understand. Throughout human history, literature, myth and pictographs have captured our use of the healing power of music. It’s […]

The Black Dog

This song is true. The first two verses are about people I knew who recently took their own lives. The third verse is what I hope will become more and more true. Eckhart Tolle’s remarkable book, “The Power of Now,” recommends becoming an observer of our thoughts. Feeling something difficult? Take a step back and […]

Journaling the Journey

Journey and journal come from the same root, but by slightly different routes. The Latin word diurnum means “daily portion.” The English word is a combination of the French journee, meaning daily travel for work, and the old English word diurnal, which has come to mean the day divided by daylight and dark. The combination […]

The Goddess and the Green Man

I’ve been doing a lot of reading and contemplating about our primal archetypes, the ones that are so ancient and so universal that they show up nearly everywhere. Most cultures worshiped a life-giving Mother and some kind of vegetation God. As a card-carrying member of the Reformed Druids of North America (RDNA), it makes perfect […]