Heroes and Healing

It recently occurred to me that there are huge parallels between the Hero’s Journey and the Healing Journey.  This is probably not new, but it hit me really powerfully and the idea is new to me, so maybe it’s new to you, too. Our Hero, let’s call them River, is living their life, doing whatever […]

Busting Open a Not-So-Old Sacred Cow

Sometimes you can really tell that modern Witchcraft and Paganism were largely crafted, interpreted and codified by men. I’m lookin’ at you, Maiden/Mother/Crone, the good old triple Moon goddess(es), one for each major phase, the fingernail New Moon, the swollen-bellied Full Moon, and the invisible Dark Moon. There are some things that have bugged me […]

The Hard Stuff

There is a conversation that I have had with so many people about doing the advanced training, taking the big steps, doing the hard stuff. Most people  don’t think they’re smart enough, or good enough, or talented enough to take what they’re doing to a higher level. They’re content, or they claim to be, staying […]

The Importance of Creative Partners

Years ago, I helped start a writers’ group. Just a small bunch of friends who got together once a month and talked about writing. It was fantastic, and helped me with my writing so much. When I moved here, I looked for other opportunities. I actually helped to start two songwriters’ groups here, and they […]

Evolution of a Sound Medicine Woman

I’ve been doing a lot of internal work recently – some brought about by external things beyond my control, like allergies and a pinched nerve in my SI joint.  But I’m grateful for the challenges and the suffering, because it has helped bring to the surface of my awareness, things that have needed observing, considering, […]


I’m a fan of silence. I don’t listen to music or have any media on at all when I’m at home, even when I am knitting or doing something quiet. It helps me shut off the thinking and simply be. If I’m listening to music I’m analyzing it. I don’t listen to music in my […]