The Third Shoe

I feel like I’m waiting for the Third Shoe to drop.  Well, I say third, but I’ve lost count, honestly. It seems like there has been a hailstorm of dropping shoes that started in 2016 and hasn’t ended yet and it almost feels like it never will. It’s like we’re living in the apartment below […]

Tough Thanks

If ever we needed a day completely devoted to giving thanks, it’s right now.  We do have a lot to be thankful for, even if we have to dig deep to find it. And hopefully on January 20, 2021 we will have so much more to be thankful for. I’m not talking about the easy […]

Terminal Depression

I learned over the weekend that another beautiful, struggling young soul couldn’t take anymore and checked out.  This isn’t about this one human, it’s about all of our loves who suffer from terminal depression. This time of year can be one big trigger. Not everyone who has depression or anxiety had a horrible childhood. Sometimes […]


Frienily, we held on, we believed, we held the vision, we persisted. We have a President-Elect and  a Vice-President Elect who are (relatively) sane, believe in science, and actually want to help people live better lives. Cue happy dance music and get yer groove on.  But the hard work isn’t over by a long shot. […]


When I was a kid, there was a woman in our neighborhood who had a tracheotomy due to throat cancer. She continued to smoke through the hole in her throat.   I have known way too many people over my lifetime who refused to do anything about their drinking until they woke up in the hospital […]


I’m thinking out loud here, connecting a few dots that I have put on the map along the way, seeing the shape of things from a 20,000 foot perspective, so don’t quote me on this, and don’t think that this is gospel or science, because I’m just thinking out loud. Okay? Okay.  Here’s one sciencey […]

The Big Letting Go

Summer is just not backing down, He is standing His ground, hanging on until the Autumn Lady comes to say, “Enough, child, you’re punch drunk. Go to bed.”  The weather forecast said we could expect a high of 71 degrees today (that’s 22 for my civilized friends around the world), and here it is 91 […]