I’m A Little Confused

Forgive me, I’m a little confused. You judge me for my size, sneering at my discomfort under your gaze, believing yourself immune to my slovenliness or laziness or genetic misfortune. Oh, I was skinny once; for about 27 minutes back in 1988. It felt great to move through the world with so little drag. To […]

Magic(k) Again

Once again, I reach the far end of a week where I know there’s a blog post that needs to be written for Tuesday and . . . crickets. So I surf through past posts to see if I can dig up any inspiration, looking at what I was thinking about in March 2020, 2019, […]

Heroes and Healing

It recently occurred to me that there are huge parallels between the Hero’s Journey and the Healing Journey.  This is probably not new, but it hit me really powerfully and the idea is new to me, so maybe it’s new to you, too. Our Hero, let’s call them River, is living their life, doing whatever […]


In a clean room at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, engineers observed the first driving test for NASA’s Mars 2020 rover on Dec. 17, 2019. Scheduled to launch as early as July 2020, the Mars 2020 mission will search for signs of past microbial life, characterize Mars’ climate and geology, collect samples for future […]

Busting Open a Not-So-Old Sacred Cow

Sometimes you can really tell that modern Witchcraft and Paganism were largely crafted, interpreted and codified by men. I’m lookin’ at you, Maiden/Mother/Crone, the good old triple Moon goddess(es), one for each major phase, the fingernail New Moon, the swollen-bellied Full Moon, and the invisible Dark Moon. There are some things that have bugged me […]

I Remember This Day

I remember this day, in 2017 when we woke up into a new national nightmare, thinking, hoping, praying, Maybe it won’t be as bad as we think, maybe he will ease up on this hate he’s playing with and do the job he agreed to do. I remember feeling nauseated, thinking of all the strong […]

Hitting the Wall

It didn’t come with a breakdown, no wailing, no thrashing, just a slow, dull thud.  A culmination of all the things, so many small things and a few big ones, a few old ones, all piling up so I couldn’t see where I was going and splat. I’m not going to enumerate my grievances here, […]

A Three-Room Circus

On January 6, 2021. at around 10AM, Michael stepped into the garage and said, “Uh oh.”  The drop ceiling where the upstairs bathroom plumbing goes was . . . sagging. Significantly. We had noticed there was something leaking over the summer, but it seemed intermittent, and we couldn’t find it, and it seemed to have […]

The Hard Stuff

There is a conversation that I have had with so many people about doing the advanced training, taking the big steps, doing the hard stuff. Most people  don’t think they’re smart enough, or good enough, or talented enough to take what they’re doing to a higher level. They’re content, or they claim to be, staying […]

New Intentions for a New Year

It’s almost over. Some of us didn’t make it. But for those who did, hopefully something important has been learned. One of the big lessons has been that no matter what our intentions are, our apple carts can be careened into and obliterated by collective insanity. I didn’t intend to take  most of 2020 as […]