Blessed and Happy MidWinter Solstice!

I’m a Druid, which means a lot of things to a lot of different people.  There are Neo-Pagan Druids who worship Earth-Mother and Sky Father and numerous other personal and household gods; there are Christian Druids who live by the philosophy Jesus taught, and worship a Divine Creator and generally believe Christ is the Son […]

Lessons Learned

I wrote a blog post yesterday (Thursday, actually).  And I saved, and saved, and previewed and proofed and saved . . . and then I added an image, and when I previewed with the image, the image wouldn’t show up. So I did stuff, removed and added it back, saved, yadda yadda yadda, and when […]

My Life With Men

Being a musician, I have spent most of my time with men, for most of my life. There are numerous reasons for that, but most of them are not relevant to the points I want to make. That may be fodder for another post. For most of my life, most of the people who happened […]

Using Our Mastery

It took me a few years to really get it, really get it, that I can use my healing for myself.  It shouldn’t be that big of a leap, really. Oh, I’d do it once in a while if I remembered, or if I was desperate or “if all else failed.” And then I’d go, […]

Taking Back the Holidays

Did you have a good Thanksgiving?  I had Friendsgiving here, which was just fantastic. No pressure, no pain, no stress, no guilt . . . No weight gain, either, because I feasted with other health nuts, and we ate in moderation. I feel warm, but not puffy. Full of peace, but not bloated. Satisfied, and […]

Creative Healing

Creativity is a healing force. It took me a while to really understand that, but once I did, I realized that it is my most frequently employed healing tool. Music heals–we know that, it’s easy to understand. Throughout human history, literature, myth and pictographs have captured our use of the healing power of music. It’s […]

Healing Cooked Up Slow

I live in a town that is, frankly, dominated by a university teaching hospital. This place doesn’t just have branches, not just satellites, it has tentacles. They have an urgent care center in the damn grocery store. It’s becoming like our own special version of Waffle House; somebody stands in the parking lot of a […]

Violence and Vulnerability

I avoid talking about politics, not because I am afraid of the fight, but because honestly, I would rather expend my energies taking care of myself and the people around me so that we can all be our best selves in the face of the chaos and dangers that are, sadly, a reality of this […]

Ride Easy, Ride On

I wrote this song several years ago, but it’s a keeper. It’s an experience of a crisp Samhain night, simply walking and watching and feeling the world around me. May your Samhain celebrations take you out into the nurturing night. Bright blessings.