It’s About Time . . . Again?

We gotta shift this time paradigm, y’all.  I’m beginning to feel like a broken record, because I have done major posts about how we can transform our relationship with Time at least twice before (here and here), but recent confirmation has come my way that has caused me to renew my crusade. At the risk […]

Sneak Peek: Creative Process

We have a little saying around here: Disasters of Creative Inspiration and Epic Proportions.  Aka, oh my god the house I can’t even. But we’ve talked about that before. The external environment is a mere mirror of the internal chaos. The more in the creative process I am the more disastrous my house appears (to […]


Light the bale-fires, strike up the fiddles, slip off to the woods . . .  Somebody’s got to ensure the bounty of the harvest around here. Except . . . we’re not exactly an agrarian society anymore, though I think we’re making tracks back to that way of being. And about damn time, too. Farmers […]

The Lucky Ones

There’s no danger of our lights being turned off, or of us running out of food. Our cars are paid off, and there’s money to have some life once in a while. I have the intense luxury of waking up every morning feeling relaxed, happy and looking forward to a great day.  How lucky is that? […]

Collective Creating in a Drama-Free Zone

I’ve worked hard the last couple of years to make my life a drama-free zone. It hasn’t been easy, and there are long relationships that are tenuous and uncomfortable now, but I’m so much happier for it. Life is hard enough without people who can’t seem to keep their shit together putting their shit-fans on […]

Foolish Things

All hail the Fool, the wild one, the strange one, the one we dismiss . . . the one who seems so lost.  Spring is the season of the Fool, definitely. Innocence, new  beginnings, being deeply alive. Being so in awe of the return of life–the budding trees, the little flowers popping up, all the […]


Magic is a troubling topic, largely because it’s so loaded with unrealistic associations. Magic is not flying through the air on broomsticks and turning people into newts. The Lore is rife with stories about just such occurrences, but we have to take them with both a grain of salt and an open mind. Here’s what […]

Lady Day

Spring is springing, even though here in Iowa we are in the ugliest time of the entire year.  I got stuck behind a street sweeper yesterday, and could not believe the amount of dirt, salt, grime and blech it was throwing into the air. Winter sure looks pretty with it’s pristine white blankie, but underneath […]

Angel Food

My patience is waning for women who side with the Patriarchy when it comes to equal pay and rape culture. “Why do we have a women’s day? When is men’s day?” Well, if you are white and male every frickin’ day, really, but officially it’s November 19th. “If women want equal pay then they should […]