Smart Strength

Strong doesn’t mean that we have to power through everything and that failing is for weaklings. In fact, strength is a bad strategy for doing lots of things. Need to arrange some flowers? Strength is probably not going to help you as much as an artistic vision and a delicate touch. Need to write a […]

No Matter What

I know in my heart of hearts that we are all one, Children of a billion suns, who are children of the suns before, Who are children of the first suns at the very beginning of time And that we are blessed, every single one. No matter what. No matter what. No matter what. That […]

What’s Your First Harvest?

Lammas, Lughnassadh, First Harvest, call it what you will, it’s here! We have made it to the third cross-quarter day on the Wheel, can you believe it? The next one is Samhain, which seems like forever away. Well, it’s not. We have survived 3/4 of this solar year. Whaddayaknow. Next stop, Autumnal Equinox. Uh huh. […]

Slownado Season

My little town dodged a great big bullet last week, while destruction reigned all around us.  Thank you, thank you, thank you. Tornadoes are beautiful, deadly bastards. Iowans may be slightly in love with them, honestly. We don’t get scared, we get excited. Instead of running for shelter, we are outside trying to record it. […]

The Real Me

I warned my partner this morning that I’m about to approach a whole new level of weird.  He cocked an eyebrow, and I explained. He stroked my cheek and said, “That’s my girl.” Last night I was awake for a long time in the middle of the night. That’s not unusual, but it’s usually a […]

Decisions, Decisions

So many decisions. Some people hate to have to make any kind decision at all. “Is that your final answer?” Well, shit. I don’t friggin’ know, maybe? I guess? Are there do-overs? We have some amazing tools that allow us to tune in, check our guts, feel into the situation, but most of us are […]

Music Equals Magic

Music has been my breath, an extension of my will, my constant companion, my lover, my mother, my child.  My mom says I was singing with the church choir when I was six months old. I became obsessed with the guitar when I was three and began to play one when I was four. It […]

An Excruciatingly Heartfelt Blessing

Lord and Lady, bless my enemies, and keep them strong, for it is their wiles that make me stronger. Bless the idiots, for it is their stupidity that causes me to improve the clarity of my communication. Bless the bigots, for they allow me to question my own judgments, motives and privilege. Bless the liars, […]


A few weeks ago I promised to write a blog post about Dowsing, and as High Summer approaches, it seems the perfect time to get out the rods and have some Earthy fun. I learned most of what I know about dowsing from a brilliant little book called The Definitive Wee Book on Dowsing: A […]


A few nights ago I dreamed I was in a greasy spoon-style diner in Afghanistan, ordering food at a counter. Where the counter met the wall there was a painted-over vent, and a sign above it said, “The Voice of God Speaks Through Here.” I asked the man taking my order what that meant and […]