Post-Election Blues

Everybody (at least in the US) that I have talked to since Tuesday has given me a nearly identical list of symptoms: exhausted for no reason, feeling very fragile and emotional, generalized pain or specific flare-ups of chronic inflammatory injuries, not able to focus, brain fog from Hell, and significant changes in appetite. How about […]

Be Open As Flowers

Follow me, follow me, follow me down Be brave, follow Keep on walking Follow me, follow me, follow me down Stay close, do not wander Keep walking, keep your wits Be brave, follow Follow me, follow me, deeper, follow Stay close, for the trees do not know you yet, mortal Stay close, for the trees […]

Crashes and Burns

I was taking my shoes off at the top of the stairs after a gig; sure, I’d had a couple glasses of wine over a three hour show, but that is not very much at all. I’d done this maneuver a thousand times without a single problem, so when the push came, and I lost […]

What Happened?

I’ve been to some Halloween-themed stores recently, because it has been one of my favorite things to do when Autumn comes. But this year . . . something feels very different.  I don’t know what or why, but it’s really harshing my buzz. Halloween, aka Samhain to us Earthy-Pagany types, is one of the best […]

Turning Inward

Eager Night spreads velvety embraces earlier with each passing day.  Those of us who relish Autumn’s gentling of the year are twilight lovers, too, and Autumn is twilight season as much as it is leaf-turning season. I love to watch night slip in like molasses, love to watch the world turn to gold as the […]

Meeting Evil With Love

We’ve talked about this before, but apparently it’s something we all need to keep top of mind as we head into yet another toxic and hideously ugly US election season.  Those haters, nasties, man-splainers (even when they are women), underhanded, lyin’, cheatin’, dirty rotten scoundrels are up to the usual buffet of skullduggerous antics, blowing up […]

Warning Signs

There’s a sinkhole in the street outside our house. Michael noticed something was wrong a few years back and started calling the city. They sent a couple guys around to have a look a couple years or so ago, who spent part of an afternoon pouring water from the hydrant down the street, watching it […]


“Intention” is becoming kind of a buzzword, it’s practically jargon for the new-age.  I wouldn’t say it’s cliche, because it’s foundationally important for any healing work. But I think we need to focus in on how we think about our intentions, and how we set them, because if we’re going to make the world a […]

Wounded Ones

No matter how far afield my fascinations take me, no matter how deep the rabbit hole I plunge down following some thread or other, I always end up returning to the Matter Of Britain, like my internal compass has a lock on it. Never fails.  I’ve been reading a lot of information about the Path […]