Do Remote Healing Sessions Really Work?

You’ve probably seen a lot of your favorite local healers putting out the word that they can do distance or remote sessions that are just as effective as in-person sessions.  Anyone who does Reiki can tell you about distance healing. There’s a special symbol for it and everything. But nearly every energy modality, including sound […]

Fight, Flight or Freeze

Our poor autonomic nervous systems just don’t know which way to turn right now.  There’s terrible danger, but . . . most of us (at least the sensible ones) are staying home where it’s safe, so . . . what’s to be afraid of? Except, there’s this terrible danger . . . Some of us […]


I’m a fan of silence. I don’t listen to music or have any media on at all when I’m at home, even when I am knitting or doing something quiet. It helps me shut off the thinking and simply be. If I’m listening to music I’m analyzing it. I don’t listen to music in my […]


Sometimes you have to drain that half-empty/half-full glass, and maybe wash it.  That’s honestly where I’m at, folks. My glass feels drained. I’m not depressed, not feeling like this is it, I need to end here. Not at all. I just feel . . . like a vessel that’s held one thing for a while, […]

Staying Connected In Times of Social Distance

We think we’re so tough. We’re cracking jokes about how great it’s going to be once we’re quarantined, like “we’ve been preparing for this our whole lives.” Some of us introverts have some pretty high level lock-the-world-out-and-wrap-up-in-blankets skills. I can actually go for weeks without leaving the house. Mostly. Somebody has to go to the […]

Saying Goodbye, Saying Hello

Those familiar with my music will know that I have written at least as many songs about driving as I have about anything else. Possibly combined. Except weather, of course.  Cars are important to me. Not flashy cars, or expensive cars, but cars with personality, functional cars, practical cars, cars with a willingness to do […]

On Sobriety

Who’da thunk that something that started for so many of us as an act of rebellion, would come to be something so utterly conventional? No, really. Drinking is what everybody does. If you say you’re not drinking anymore, people think there’s something wrong with you. Rarely do I get a “Wow, good for you! And you […]

Bitter Beauty

It got cold over the weekend, oh my did it. Bitterly cold, icy cold. Face-hurtingly cold.  And it started with a fairly major snow storm system (the weather prognosticators even named it), which finally covered up the bleh brown and gray thing we’ve had going on since December, so everything is gloriously white and coated […]