Becoming Habitat

My dad used to have a badass ability that kind of drove me nuts, even as I envied it. Dude could melt into the scenery like nobody was there. I swear I spent days of my life just looking for him in the woods, and I would walk right by him over and over and […]

Acknowledging Sacred Place

How arrogant are we? Well, I’ll tell ya. We are so arrogant that we think we have to “create sacred space” before we do any magical working, when we are actually living on the body of a Living Goddess. Western Magical Tradition is bound up so tightly with the Christian idea of the separation of […]

Ugly Process, Beautiful Results

I’ve been reading and thinking about the Pyramids. You know the ones, pointy, crumbling, surrounded by desert, associated with dead kings and such, Yeah, those pyramids. Valley of the Kings type pyramids. Scientists, archaeologists, engineers, architects, mystics, Egyptologists, and crackpots have been trying to figure out for literally centuries, how they did that. How the […]

What Would Happen If …

What would happen if, instead of a boy, the Earth-Mother’s Solstice birthing produced a girl? I have a fuzzy idea of where that thought came from, but I don’t think it really matters. What matters is, what would happen if we ran the cycle of the year through cooperative, feminine power instead of dominating male […]

Obligation is Not Celebration

I am so thankful that I get to decide how I’m going to observe the holidays. So many people are at the mercy of family. “You have to come, it’s Thanksgiving/Christmas/birthday/whatever! How can you even think of not showing up for this?” Or litany of your choice, really. We are cajoled, bullied, guilt-tripped, emotionally blackmailed, […]

Simple Stuff

Oh, we want insight from The Universe, Great Truths and Fundamental Realities, don’t we? We want our fundamental realities to be complicated and big and meaty and secret – but they’re so not that. At all. The best truths are the simplest ones. Shit, even the physicists agree about that! I may have told you […]

Potion for Curing Depression

An ancient and much sought after recipe (that I just made up): Place the cauldron on a tripod over a medium fire. Preparation time: decades. Cook time: as long as you need. Serves … well, you and everybody around you, to be honest, but let’s just say … five. Take one measure of humility, but […]

Shadow Farming

Welcome to Shadow Farms, where we use our crap to fertilize the crop. The Long Dark is upon us, and for some people, it’s a hard time of year to love. Not for me. I was born on a New Moon in the heart of Winter, double Sagittarius, me. I adore the dark. I don’t […]

Witches Work

Want to cast a spell of democracy? Vote.  Witches Work Come on come on, all my Witches Get into my kitchen, there’s work to be done We gotta bubble up this cauldron, here in my kitchen And bubble up some trouble for the foolish ones Come on come on, all my Witches What are the […]