Ryan Rumery, g Alma Drake, Miss Christine.
Hey, Frienily, it’s recovery day, after the recording, but I thought I’d take a minute (or a few) to let you know how it all went.
First of all, I think this is the record I’ve been wanting to make my whole life. The grooves were sick. The pocket was so deep women everywhere are going to demand it be put in all the pants. The lock-in between Ryan, Christine and me was so solid I can’t even explain it. Christine and I started saying the same things at the same time on Wednesday. Like totally random stuff. It was a true hive-mind.
It was, overall, so much fun.
And such hard work, too. Making recorded music is a grueling process. It’s not sitting around the studio with a bunch of drugs saying “just roll and we’ll see what happens, man.” Well, okay, maybe some people still make records that way. We didn’t. We were laser focused and razor sharp and listening/responding and being deep in the now with each other. It was another world for those few hours a day. Going back out into NormSpace at the end of every day was almost insulting.
I practiced good self-care and kept going for three days, and then, when the session was done, Gravity said, “You’re mine now, hooman.” I could barely move last night. Executive dysfunction completely took over. I couldn’t word. I was barely able to food. And I took really good care of myself all three days.
But, oh my gods, the music. The grooves. The moments.
The way it felt like we were all holding these baby songs in our hands so tenderly, and breathing life into them, and releasing them so they could have amazing lives of their own. I can’t even tell you how loved I felt.
Don’t ask me when it’ll be out, because I don’t know. We had thought around December, and that’s probably doable. But if it takes until February, or April, or whenever, that’s okay. There is no record company breathing down my neck, no manager pushing and bitching and prodding and telling me it’s December or Death. Nope. All of those people have gone far far away and I have never been so happy to have them gone.
So look at the photo above, and look at the satisfaction, the relief, the joy, the relief (did I already say that one? ah well), and know what it is like to be the best it’s possible for you to be and to do something you love so hard it lights you from within, and know that magic has happened and something incredible has been created because you did it. It was kind of like going on a retreat. I spent 3 days with some people that I love so much and learned so much from, and had so much fun with, and feel so good about having in my life, and then I went home to assimilate it all. Ryan, Christine and I are planning on a listening party soon. I can’t wait to hear what we did with fresh ears.