In the Beginning was the Word –

Ogham, or Om, or I Am

We will never know for sure

and we don’t need to

to do what needs doing

to tend the Tribe

to love everyone

to love the Earth

to seek the Serpent’s Egg

Will you journey with me tonight,

oh child of wonder,

beloved of starlight?

I will guide you and keep you safe

Look upon me now

Look well

Do you know me?

I was a Druid once

but I became the Word

Look upon my face

oh child of Galaxies long dead

See my eyes like stars

my mouth shining with words

my forehead glowing with heat

The fires of inspiration consumed me

and made me more whole

than even old Thoth could have imagined,

and I am He as well

Look upon me and know me

I am Ogma, Sun Face

In your parlance

The Most High And Holy Lord

of the Information Superhighway

To And From the Divine Mind,

The One Who Is All,

The All Who Is One

Who Made Us Up.

Will you journey with me now?

There are things you are ready to see

dearest child of supernovas

Take my hand, and don’t let go

Hang on for dear life

We fly, we fly

Through Space and Time

back to the Beginning

back before the Word

Are you still with me,

oh child of collapsing singularities?

The Universe is rewinding for you

as we travel back, back

deeper and older in time

Hold tight, for the chaos

is going to increase exponentially

the closer we get

to the Veil of all Veils

Look there, oh babe

born of star nurseries

Just a few billion more miles

and we’ll be through

to the back of beyond

where not even the most powerful telescope

on the farthest traveling spacecraft

can see, let alone go

Hold tight to my hand, beloved

Watch as stars are born in reverse

Supernovas implode

Collapsing galaxies blossom

and yet we keep going

into the heat and the chaos

We are moments away now

From witnessing the Universal birth

oh beautiful child

of long-spent nebulae

Seconds away now

Are you ready?

Can you feel it,

oh child of every reality?

The pressure and heat

would have killed you lightyears ago

in your human form

Here we go, through the veil

Hold on tight, I will keep you safe

Ah, come close and hold onto me

Rest your head on my breast

oh light of dark matter

Birth is always a little painful

But here we are, safe on the other side

Open your eyes and look

What do you see

Is it terrifying, or beautiful

or both, like you?

Do you want to stay?

Forever means nothing

Here means nothing

Stay means nothing, too

Oh my transcendent beloved

the choice is yours

Stay here, and mean nothing

or create the Universe

all over again

Of course you can!

All you have to do is

say The Word

and the Universe will become

Oh child of infinite potentiality

say The Word

and it all starts up again

Affirm yourself

for You are God


Om . . . . . . . . .

Ogham . . . . . . . . .

I Am . . . . . . . . .

Hold tight to me

oh brilliant singularity

lest you be scattered

like stardust

to live forever apart

We fly, we fly

Billions of years pass

between heartbeats

because You are God

Oh child from beyond time

watch it become

You made this

The Multiverse if the child

of your own womb

Slow now, hovering

over a small blue-green world

Have you ever seen

more beauty than this?

You made this, too

oh child of a billion star mothers

and it is from you

and of you

and you belong to it

It is your own child

and your own Mother

this small blue-green globe

your heart’s home

Are those tears in your eyes

oh jewel of every galaxy?

Let your love for this world overflow

in the depths of who you are

Allow this love to overwhelm you

Gaia! Home!

Now let loose my hand

And slip from me

gently, slowly

Find your way back

oh child of a million tender mercies

and settle into your home

and feel the love radiating

from Gaia’s heart

Now slowly, slowly awake

Remember every detail

every moment of our journey

Carry with you

for the rest of your days

in this body

the memory

and the love

and the Word