Spell for a Happy Yard

Make sure there are lilacs, and a rosebush or two.

Leave a few of the Inevitable Maples to grow.

Leave the violets.

Plant some cedars around the edge instead of building a fence.

Have a few raised garden beds and grow things

you lovelovelove to eat.

Don’t mow it very often.

Leave offerings for the faeries and devas.

Find a secret spot in the yard, where no one goes;

leave some milk, sweetened with a touch of honey.

A thimble-full of whiskey wouldn’t go amiss.

Leave them pieces of silk, velvet, linen, and wool,

and little bits of leather to make shoes.

Promise never to tell anyone they are there.

Put comfy chairs and tables out

and pretend it’s your living room.

Play music and sing to it,

especially if you think you sing badly.

You don’t.

At night, light candles or a small fire,

invite some friends over

and be sure to include the yard in your conversations.

But mostly, just sit and listen.

She has so many stories, so many songs,

so much she can teach you

without you even knowing

you’re being taught.

What’s going on in your yard? I’d love to hear all about it!