God, so I have come to understand Them, is formless. Not some old White dude who hasn’t shaved in 6000 years and hangs out in a bathrobe even more than Jeff Lebowski. 

They’re not somebody you can walk up to and carry on a conversation. They’re somebody you are actually in, like a fish is in water, all the time. We are literally swimming in God.

What seems to have distilled for me throughout my very long search and quest for God and Meaning and Truth, is that in the beginning, or before the beginning really, there was nothing but this very large Thought. Formless, ineffable even. Eventually, this Thought got, let’s face it, bored, and decided that there had to be some way to create some . . . stuff to experience. So They sent out a bunch of frequencies, and kablooie, stuff.

“In the Beginning was The Word, and The Word was God, and The Word was With God.” Check. So far, so good.

So stuff started to happen, things joined together and busted apart, became other things for a while. It was mighty mighty hot at first, and then it got mighty mighty cold, but interesting things were in progress, including stars and planets forming out of the chaotic stuff birthed from that first great big old kablooie. And here and there, scattered very widely, Life.

Oh, Life. How wonderful in its diversity, in its extremity, in its ability to thrive in even the least hospitable environments. The Universe must be teeming with life — though most of it we probably wouldn’t even recognize as life. At least not at first. We’d probably figure it out eventually, hopefully without starting any interstellar wars.

So Life happened, things evolved, got smarter, learned not just to survive reactively, but to create proactively

With the Imagination of God, and within the Imagination of God, and as part of the Imagination of God.

God sent out the frequencies that created everything, and so God is everything. We are inside the Imagination of God, using our own imaginations to create our own universes. It’s like a room of mirrors where reflections go on to infinity.

Don’t waste this. Yeah, we probably all get recycled and come back over and over, whether it’s to work out Karma or have a do-over or experience and learn something else, or whatever, but you get this life once. You get to be this person at this time one time. No other time will be the same. So use your power, my darlings, use it for good, for change, for healing, for your highest good. Use it to create a life you love so much you want to live forever. Use it to break free of anything that holds you down, holds you back, or hurts you.

You were created with the Imagination of God. Use it.

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Comments (4)

  1. “The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain!” “By George, I think she’s Got It!!!” Cheers!

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