No gory details, I promise!
The surgery itself was a snap, I literally slept right through it . . . But seriously folks, it went incredibly well, didn’t even take an hour, and I was in very little pain afterward. I probably could have gone home the first day, but that’s not how it goes, so I spent the night dozing off for an hour at a time, to be awakened by somebody coming in to do something, change something, draw blood, give me a dose of pain medication, yadda yadda yadda. Whatever. I went home the next morning. No pain within a couple of days. Robot surgery is the way to go.
But a wise friend advised me to also get 5 energy healing treatments before and after, to prepare and restore. Acupuncture, reflexology, massage and sound healing before–and of course I wrote a Light Language grid. So far post-surgery I have had sound healing and acupuncture, but reiki and massage to come, and probably more. And supplements to rebuild energy and immune system. And nothing that is going to stress the adrenals because they’re under enough strain as it is.
So the big thing is, I don’t feel any different. I haven’t had any massive changes in the way I feel, move, eat, sleep, think, process emotions . . . Nothing is different. This is slightly surprising to me, because we removed an entire system from my body, including the glands. You’d think there’d be something different that I’d notice, but nope. I feel exactly the same.
Recovery was rougher than I expected, but I had serendipitously scheduled more time off for myself than I thought I would need – and I needed it. You have good days and you have bad days. Stuff happens. Fatigue is a constant companion. I napped for at least a couple hours a day, even when I was doing nothing but laying on the couch reading. (Hey, books are heavy.) I was just musing this afternoon about how if I had been “employed” by some company, I’d probably be fired by now because it took longer than the standard two weeks off work to become functional. (I promised no gory details, I know, but let me just illustrate by saying peeing in pain every 7 minutes and doing a job don’t mix. And thank the gods that’s over.)
Boredom is a sign. When you are getting bored you know you are getting better. Hopefully you keep getting better.
So I was able to book some Tarot readings, which were great because they’re so homey and comfy and intimate. I love reading Tarot anyway, but it was especially good while I was bored and convalescing. Just right, in fact. I felt purposeful and engaged, but didn’t have to exert myself physically at all. My brain got a little workout, my intuition got a bigger workout, and my need for company that wasn’t made up of black letters on a white page was nicely met. This week I have started teaching lessons again, and so far that has gone great.
Next week I am seeing sound healing clients, a max of two per day. That feels right. I had three scheduled one day, and that felt like way too many, but voila, one of them texted to ask if they could come the previous week for Tarot instead, which was perfect.
Everything works out when you trust that you are honoring yourself and working in harmony with Flow. I feel very supported and very free and aligned. Things shift because I need them to–because I need them to.
Having a loving and supportive community around me bringing me food and tea and music was a life-saver.
Not having to worry about food was just the best. There were evenings when I was not having a good day and Michael was stuck fixing broken stuff at work, and supper time was looming and . . . someone wonderful would show up at my door with amazing food. Oh, hallelujah and hooray, not to mention WHEW! And oh my gods thank you. We couldn’t have done it without that kind of support. Magic. And now I have a bunch of new recipes to play with, which is even better.
So the big takeaways here, I think, are:
- Robot surgery is the way to go.
- Do some serious energy healing before and after your surgery.
- Give yourself more time than you think you need, because you might just need it.
- Getting bored is good! Find gentle ways to fill the time.
- If you needed a reason to cultivate a community, here it is – people will support you and bring you food when you are sick. And believe me, I will be first in line to pay that forward!
- My partner appreciates me 1000% more because he was doing everything I do and realized 1) just how much I do for him, some of which he doesn’t even notice, and 2) how much better life is when I am doing all of that stuff.
Surgery happens, and it’s really nothing to be afraid of. Any major life event is the same. We have each other for a reason. This is really a lesson in community, in being part of a group of people who love you and want to help you thrive. I get by with a little help from my friends, and I love it that way.