It’s Earth Day as I write this, and I’m feeling . . . not great about the state of our only planetary home.

We have done a great job making it a very toxic place to live. No, really. Think about how many people you know who have cancer right now. Young people. Kids. Old people. Babies. Animals. Maybe you, or a friend or a partner or a sibling.

Carcinogens are everywhere, in our food, in our air — the air in our homes is more polluted than the air in our cities. I saw a report recently about how the water we’re drinking everyday is radioactive now, especially if you live anywhere near a nuclear energy plant, which many of us do.

We shattered a CO2 record last week: 413.54 parts per million (ppm) CO2 in air 18-Apr-2019. That’s . . . frightening.

We are in a straight-up mass extinction event, which in large part we have caused. The asshats who brought us the miracle of glyophosphate which is pretty much in all the wheat are now trying to commit mass murder by killing off the bees, who are responsible for pollinating our food. No bees, no food. Great plan, guys.

And this is just in the USA. We have shared the toxicity with so many other countries in an effort to cause them to become dependent on us so we can take their natural resources–which we then process into something unrecognizable and yes, toxic, but profitable.

I’m watching people that I love very much suffering terribly because the whole planet is poisonous to them, and I’m struggling to find the ever-present well of happy that lives in me. It’ll come back, I’m fairly irrepressible, but right now, the struggle is too real.

So what can we do about it? We are, after all, all-powerful spirit beings with free will. 

Unfortunately, with the all-powerful spirit part trapped in a meat sack, we are somewhat less omnipotent than we’d like to admit. But we can still do a lot. We can plant trees; plant wildflowers for the bees; grow some food; support our local organic market gardeners; carpool, take public transport, bike or walk instead of driving everywhere; make our homes more energy efficient. Buy less stuff, but buy smarter–if there is an ecologically smart alternative, spend the few extra bucks for it, because it will be worth it in the long run. Buy a mason bee house and colony, and make your yard a haven.

But just as importantly, remember that taking care of yourself is essential for you to function at the level you desire and deserve, so don’t skimp on the self-healing, reflecting, journaling, meditating and relaxing.

Seek joy, and if you can’t find any nearby, make some. Drum, sing, dance, laugh. Get together with friends do all of that, only louder and with more laughter. 

As I may have said before (ahem) the more we express joy, the easier it is for the people around us to express joy. The more we model seeking truth and happiness as acceptable and normal (whatever that is), the more others will feel comfortable doing the same.

Vote your conscience. 

You love people, yes? Extend that love to the planet, our Mother/Teacher/Healer/Lover/Guide/Mentor/Constant Companion. Love Her. Put her needs above your own whenever possible – and you will always be living your best life.

Love, Light and Sound Health, one and all.