Yep, it’s Spring. Last week the Groundhog did the thing, and now it’s Spring. 

Sort of.

There’s this thing called thermal lag that means even though we’ve crossed a calendrical point of reference, it’s still colder than bejeezuz and it’s really not done snowing yet. It will catch up, and before you know it, the year-round shorts wearing guys won’t look quite so stupid.

More than a seasonal change, it’s a feeling. You can feel a shift in how your body does things. Well, if you are paying attention and tuned in to your body you can. I’m needing less sleep, and getting more stuff done because it’s easier to make stuff happen, and I have energy. Six weeks ago I was in a coma in the chair, knitting endlessly because I didn’t want to do anything else. Now I’m working on new projects, creating things, designing things, and seeing my business start to build and take off. All kinds of good things in store.

There’s a rhythm to the year, and even when we can’t really perceive big changes, our body is making note of subtle differences in our environment that cue metabolism, energy levels, and a host of processes that keep us running. The sun is not only out longer, but the light is coming in at a different angle than it was a month ago. We are wired to respond to this subtle, sacred geometry, by conserving energy until the sun reaches a particular level in the sky, and then whoosh, we start coning back to life again.

My back yard trees were full of robins on Saturday. We’re about to get another foot of snow this week, but something in their internal bio-navigation/seasonal time keeping system responded to environmental cues and brought them back. I don’t think they were very happy about it, but here they are.

So, our bodies are really smart, and we should listen to them more.

If you aren’t already an avid body listener, it just takes a little . . . noticing to get in touch.

  1. Notice how foods you eat make you feel. Sniff before you taste, and see if any early alarm bells go off – or if you experience deep holy need and desire in a real, “I didn’t even know my body wanted and needed this” way.
  2. Notice your energy level throughout the day. Don’t tell yourself you are tired out of habit. Pay attention, be honest. It is a very bad, and very common, habit to get into, and a bugger to get out of. Our bodies believe what we tell them, so tell them what you want them to believe.
  3. Notice what feels energizing and what feels draining, and make adjustments to plug energy leaks. I know we can’t all wave a magic wand and change jobs, but I want you to think about how our bodies believe what we tell them and how we create our reality and see if making some small adjustments can lead to big changes for you – in the best possible ways.
  4. Notice when you are actually hungry and when you just think you’re hungry – out of habit. Oh habit. Don’t eat just because. It’s hard to change our eating patterns, but getting control over this is essential. I’ve made more adjustments recently and have dropped another handful of pounds, down to the lowest I have been in years. Small adjustments do add up, not just in your life story. Nothing radical, just a couple small shifts. Good stuff keeps getting better.
  5. Live your life like you mean it. Don’t go through the motions when you can kick some ass. Make stuff count.

Spring is just hidden in plain sight. Once you tune in and start noticing the subtle signs, you’ll feel it, too.

We all need reminders about treating ourselves well. I’m happy to be your accountability buddy.