Blessed Night stretches

Her arms reaching ever outward

To embrace the sleeping world

Too often we fear her

Our Dark Mother

The Goddess of Winter

The Hag, the Crone

The Crabby But Wise One

Who dispenses wisdom

That tastes bitter before

We learn to seek its sweetness

She brings cold, and death

But blessings, too

She is the Crowned One

Crone, Sister of Cronus

Crona, Goddess of Time

She brings the gift of long nights

Beside the fire, reading, mending

Making tinctures

Making amulets

Charging magical tools

Doing healing work

Writing actual letters

Dreaming with the eyes open

Writing novels

Learning new tunes

Being the creatively nurturing selves

That we finally have time to be

Bless the cold, and bless the dark

For Spring will come all too soon

And the Light will drive the Time away

Perspective is important. I always try to keep a good one, and I love to help people with their own. Stick around. Life looks really good from this angle.