I have a theory. Which is mine. Hang tight, it’ll be worth it, I swear.
Depression, bi-polar, schizophrenia, OCD, social anxiety, panic disorders . . . epidemic. I know very, very few people who are not struggling to get through every day. Seems to be getting worse instead of better despite the best (yeah, right) efforts of the pharmaceutical industry. I recently connected some dots that Big Pharma probably doesn’t want connected.
The frequencies between 8Hz and 10Hz, 8-10 cycles per second, tell the brain to create serotonin. The Earth herself vibrates at 7.43Hz, which is so close to 8Hz that even if the human ear could detect frequencies that low it would be indistinguishable from 8Hz. So humans have adapted to the frequency of our Mother to produce the well-being juice that helps us be calm, relaxed and happy? Imagine that.
You’ve heard of forest therapy, probably. Where you go out to the woods, walk, sit, breathe, look at green stuff, listen to birdsong, and hopefully relax and unwind a little bit, and then you go back to the concrete world and it’s nearly bearable? Yeah, that’s a thing. A few people do it, but not enough, and not nearly often enough. (Guilty, guilty, guilty, but working on it.)
Part of the healing effect has got to be that we are able to feel the song of the Mother, her 8Hz humming is able to penetrate our armor and work its magic. There’s no traffic, no concrete, no building, no car between us and Her. We can breathe in the highly oxygenated air, look at the beautiful green trees, hear the mystic forest song, and sense without knowing the healing, balancing, centering frequency that she broadcasts for our highest good every second of every day.
We spend most of our days indoors, listening to indoor noises, and when we’re outdoors a good deal of the time we’re in cars. Sometimes we’re in a yard or a park, but rarely do we really slow down and become mindful of the moment we’re in. And often we’re surrounded by the racket of air conditioning units and lawn mowers instead of being able to relax into the quiet. Getting outside into that ruckus is better than not getting outside at all, but nothing compares to being out in the woods.
The point is, almost nobody gets enough 8Hz music, and it’s taking a toll on us.
How can sound we can’t even hear have such a powerful effect on us? Well, we don’t only hear with our ears: we sense sound, vibration, with our fingers, our feet, all over our bodies. Ever been at a rock concert and felt the sound waves hitting you, moving you, consuming you? Did you understand that feeling the sound was part of what made the experience so euphoric? Probably not at the time, but I want you to think about it now.
How about feeling a shiver up your spine? A tingling in your scalp? By the pricking of my thumbs . . . It often has a wintery taste of mystery and magic to it, doesn’t it? How much of that is caused by sound we can’t hear? Well . . . I obviously can’t say for certain, but I’ll bet it’s more than we can possibly imagine.
We are made of vibration, and frequency is our native language, but we have forgotten how to understand it.
My prescription is, of course, get thee to the forest. And if you can, get thee to a sound healer. We know how to deliver 8Hz. Actually, it’s two frequencies that get delivered binaurally and reduce to 8Hz when they hit the Vagus nerve, but if that doesn’t make any sense it doesn’t really matter. It’s a combination of frequencies that add up to a frequency that is billions of years old that we can use to put you in tune with the actual frequency that the planet vibrates at, sometimes called Schumann Resonance.
Our Mother’s lullaby. Pure medicine, pure light, pure life.