Lord and Lady, bless my enemies, and keep them strong, for it is their wiles that make me stronger.

Bless the idiots, for it is their stupidity that causes me to improve the clarity of my communication.

Bless the bigots, for they allow me to question my own judgments, motives and privilege.

Bless the liars, for through the unseemly unraveling of their bullshit we shall eventually find truth.

Bless the greedy, for they make me appreciate what I have worked so hard for even more.

Bless the misogynists, for in daily defiance of them I push the boundaries of my wombanhood.

Bless the assholes, the jerks, the buffoons, the politicians, the Bible torturers, the God Botherers, the cruel and useless graspers after power, bless them with so much of Your light that we can’t help but see them for exactly what they are.

Bless the yes-men, the yes-women, those who refuse to think for themselves and “just obey orders,” for they remind me to always question authority.

Bless this Apocalypse, this great uncovering of the vilest, grossest, most poisonous and hideous underbelly of this Once and Future beautiful land I call home, for my righteous anger causes my own flame to burn more brightly.

Bless this Apocalypse, that our shared light may destroy the infection and burn out the fungus once and for all.

Bless it all, Lord and Lady, and keep the horrors fresh and hot in our hearts and minds, so we can utterly reject this evil.

And those who deserve not blessing, those who would imprison the innocent, those who would welcome asylum seekers with horrors beyond imagining, those who would make the wretched prefer their former refuse, bless them anyway with the fierce heat of the Violet Flame, that they may wake to see the error of their ways and work to undo it.

Transmute, oh Lord and Lady, the pain, sorrow, disgust, heartache, turned-stomach shock and horror of daily life in America now, into hope for better days soon to come, and deliverance from Evil.

As Above, So Below; As Below, So Above.

And so it is.

Thank you for reading.