All matter is made up of energy. Not just generic, dull, garden variety energy, but excitingly vibrating strands of life-force straight from the Source of All. It’s the stuff we’re made of. It’s the stuff we live in. It’s the stuff we breathe and eat.

To quote Sir Terry Pratchett, from his book Soul Music, “In the beginning, was the chord.” A huge, cacophonous, symphonic, metal, pipe-organ of a chord with layers of fuzz and distortion. The wildest, loudest, most intensely musical sound ever emitted by anything. The loudest rock bands are simply an echo of that Divine moment, the birth of everything.  In turning it up to 11, we are subconsciously trying to recapture a piece of our connection to Source.

Another little known truth is that we can, just like the strings of a guitar or violin, be in tune with the Great Symphonic Wow, or not. When we are in tune, we experience more coincidence, more joy, more laughter, more love, more hope. We are able to live in authenticity, in bliss, in love with life. When we vibrate in tune to the Universal Song, we literally vibrate. We tingle. We feel electrified. We feel our Power moving within us.

When we are not in tune, we experience a lot of cognitive dissonance, reality seems wrong, we spend a lot of time frustrated or stuck and unable to make even the simplest decisions. Stress is more stressful. Our resistance to viral interference plummets, and we find our selves literally sick and tired.

My mission in life is to be in tune, and to help others be in tune, with the stunning music of the All. I have spent years training myself, tuning myself, and teaching others to be in tune. It may seem like a pretty strange job title, “Master Tuner of Hearts and Souls,” but it’s a hell of a lot more fun than flipping burgers or telemarketing. Or damn near anything, to tell you the truth.

Stay tuned (pun intended) for information on classes and private coaching sessions. I’d love to be of service.